Interview Methodology And Data Process


EBMRS adopt both traditional and new research data collection method:


Quantitative interview methodology:

Through interviews and survey to find out the real opinion of customers

 Face to face interview: which usually conducted either by pre-recruiting or street intercept of qualified respondents for interview
Benefit: easy to operate and control, and can be execute in designated location
 Other types of survey methods include:
 Mail interview
 Telephone interviews
 Central location test (CLT)
 Door to door interviews
 Panelist pre-recruitment

Qualitative interview methodology:

 Focus group discussion: a well-trained moderator will be in charge of the discussion on a specific topic with a group of participants
 In-depth interview:a well-trained researcher will be in charge of the discussion on a specific topic with individual respondents
 On site visit
 Accompanied shopping
 Secondary information collecting and analysis

Advanced methodology:


Data process

All interview data will be double punched and input into the system, and our data process team will double check data and ensure the high quality of the deliver output